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Confidence and Resiliency When the World Goes Offline


As our head of Customer Success, I know days like today create a very challenging time for many of our customers. We will continue to be steadfast in providing support and showing up for our customers in every way we can.

Also, after every major incident – or in today’s case a massive IT meltdown – leadership turns to their teams with the question: “How can we prevent this from happening again?”

This is, unfortunately, only half of the puzzle.

As well-intentioned as our prevention plans are, we still find ourselves responding and reacting to incidents and outages. But as we introduce more capabilities within our teams, we often introduce more complexity, which makes IT operations more susceptible to failure.

But even the least complex systems and enterprises are exposed to some level of risk. As Gartner so eloquently put it, “All systems are subject to failure. We cannot purchase hardware that never breaks, we cannot build software that is entirely bug-free – and, most importantly, we must always live with human error. It is impossible not to make errors that can potentially cause downtime, degrade service or result in data loss. However, we can try to reduce the impact of failures.”1

What have we learned from the events of the past 24 hours? We learned that relying on a single IT platform is risky. As Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “the outage showed ‘we have to diversify’ software providers.” The world needs to run on solutions that co-exist together and provide support when one fails. That is where we can help.

Regardless of what endpoint protection solution you use, Tanium can be deployed as a foundational element to a defense-in-depth approach where we can provide further resiliency to your overall security stack, and also a much-needed insurance policy for when things go wrong. It’s the unique, real-time capabilities within our platform that serves as an enabler for other solutions and can provide support when other solutions fail.

Mitigating the risk of failure requires the ability to manage the complexities that threaten IT. And the ability to manage that complexity comes from confidence in the data, which relies on complete visibility and the immediacy in which that data is available. I joined Tanium 10 years ago because I understood the power of being able to collect data from fleets of endpoints in seconds. When things go left, teams need to know if they’re affected, how they’re affected and what they should do to remediate. Then, they need to be able to remediate. This is the power of Tanium’s real-time platform.

What If we didn’t have to pine over all of the ways our businesses could come to a halt? What if we entered work confidently every day, knowing that we had the data, tools, and power to stop incidents and outages across our entire fleet in seconds? That’s the Tanium way and the power of an endpoint platform that operates in real time.

  1. Lydia Leong, Kevin Matheny, (2023. October 3) How to Prepare for Cloud Outages, Gartner, Inc.
Charles Ross

Charles Ross

As chief customer officer, Charles Ross leads the team responsible for delivering the Tanium vision to our customers: scalable endpoint management to operate and secure their businesses reliably and quickly.

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