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How the Strained Relationship Between Security and IT Operations Is Disrupting Business

IT decision-makers have a lot on their plates, from ensuring that their organizations are compliant and critical information is secured, to managing fleets of networked devices and positioning technology investment as an enabler for business growth.

One of the biggest challenges in IT, however, is the often-strained relationship between IT operations and security teams. As IT environments become more complex due to a proliferation of point tools and fragmented systems, that strain is leaving the business vulnerable to disruption.

A new study from Forrester Consulting identifies that four of the top five challenges that IT leaders face relate to visibility and data quality. At the same time, the study shows that 81% of IT decision-makers are fully or mostly confident that their senior leadership and board have more of a focus on security, IT operations and compliance than they did just two years ago.

But if visibility and data quality remain challenged—even with bigger budgets and more IT scrutiny from the board level than ever before— something is fundamentally wrong in the way teams are organized, or the way IT investments are being made, or both.

It is time for enterprise and government organizations to invest in a new approach to unified endpoint management and security. For more insights on this topic, read the new Tanium-commissioned Forrester Consulting study “Strained Relationships Between Security and IT Operations Teams Leave Businesses at Risk” and watch our on-demand webinar “The Risky Consequences of Strained Relationships Between Security and IT Ops”.

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