The real-time platform that powers AI solutions and IT and security workflows.
Autonomous endpoint management at scale, with confidence, and in real time.
Have the confidence to take the right action at the right time in your IT environment.
See and control endpoints across your environments in seconds.
Manage your entire IT lifecycle with speed and scale.
Know your risks and exposures and secure them.
Expedite your security team’s incident response.
Deliver delightful digital employee experiences.
To protect enterprises, organizations, and people. That is our why.
See what our customers achieve with the power of certainty.
Make the most out of your IT investments – powered by partners.
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다양한 방법의 APT공격에 대처하고자 하는 기업이 취할 수 있는 보안 전략
보안 사고가 발생했을 때 피해 기업은 즉시 상황을 파악하고, 조치를 취해야 한다. 당연한 일일지 모르지만, 이를 실현할 수 있는 기업은 소수에 불과하다. 우리 기업에서 발생한 사건의 원인을 파악하고 대응하는데 몇일, 또는 몇주가 걸린다는 사실을 이해할 만한 의사결정권자는 과연 얼마나 될까? 최근 APT 공격에 대처하고자 등장한 EDR 솔루션마저도 랜섬웨어 방어에 한계를 보이는 가운데, 기업이 취할 수 있는 보안 전략에 대해 알아보자.
Cost savings and business benefits enabled by the Tanium endpoint management and security platform.
Tanium AEM leverages real-time insights from all Tanium cloud-managed endpoints to recommend and automate changes on endpoints within a customer’s environment in a safe, scalable way with its real-time platform.
Integrated solution that expedites incident response using real-time data and control.
See Tanium solution in action with these on-demand video series. Includes Asset Discovery & Inventory, Client Management, Threat Hunting, Risk & Compliance Management and Sensitive Data Monitoring.